
Google’s Top 12 Florida Personal Injury Questions Answered

1. What is personal injury law in Florida?

Personal injury law in Florida is a type of law that helps people who have been hurt by someone else’s actions. This can include things like car accidents, falls, dog bites, and medical mistakes.

2.How long do I have to file a personal injury claim in Florida?

If you want to file a personal injury claim in Florida, you usually have two years from the date of the accident or injury to do so. But, there are some exceptions, so it’s best to talk to a lawyer to find out the deadline for your case.

3,How much is my personal injury case worth in Florida?

The amount of money you can get from a personal injury case in Florida depends on a few things, like how bad your injury is, how much it costs to treat it, and who was at fault. A lawyer can help you figure out how much your case might be worth.

4.What are the common types of personal injury cases in Florida?

Some common types of personal injury cases in Florida include car accidents, slip and falls, dog bites, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, and when someone dies (wrongful death)  because of someone else’s actions.

5.What is the average settlement for a personal injury claim in Florida?

The average settlement for a personal injury claim in Florida can be different for each case. It depends on how bad your injury is, how much it costs to treat it, and who was at fault.

6.What damages can I recover in a personal injury case in Florida? Damages you might be able to get from a personal injury case in Florida include things like money for medical costs, lost earning, pain and suffering, and property damage.

7.How do I prove fault in a personal injury case in Florida?

To prove fault in a personal injury case in Florida, you need to show that the other person did something wrong that caused your injury. You can use things like witnesses, police reports, and medical records to help prove it.

8.What are the steps to take after a personal injury accident in Florida?

After a personal injury accident in Florida, you should get medical help if you need it, report the accident to the right people, gather any evidence you can, and talk to a lawyer to learn about your options.

9.How do I choose a personal injury lawyer in Florida?

When choosing a personal injury lawyer in Florida, you should look at reviews, check for bar complaints, prior successes, and someone that communicates with you well, returns calls, and is willing to be your voice.

10.How does insurance work in a personal injury case in Florida?

In a personal injury case in Florida, insurance can help pay medical expenses and/or lost wages. It depends on who was at fault and what type of insurance everyone involved has.

11.What is modified comparative negligence in a personal injury case in Florida?

Modified comparative negligence means that even if you were partly at fault for your injury, you can still get money from the other person. But, the amount of money you get might be less if you were partly at fault.

12.Can I file a personal injury claim for a car accident in Florida if I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt?

Yes, you can still file a personal injury claim for a car accident in Florida even if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt. But, if your injuries were made worse because you weren’t wearing a seatbelt, you might not get as much money.